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06.11.04 - 4:57 p.m.

I broke his penis....

i knew it was going to be a bad day yesterday when I dropped my coffee. Now, i didn't just drop any old coffee. i dropped the coffee i had gotten because i had deliberately taken the slower bus, which brings me to the other side of campus than my building, but does stop beside a Tim Hortons... which i am desperately addicted to. I believe the claim that there is traces of nicotine and that they spike it with a third more caffiene than normal coffee, because what else would make me go ten minutes out of my way in the morning for coffee that really does not have any redeeming qualities in taste? so i walked across campus with this coffee, burning my wee finger along the way, only to drop it in the entrance to my building.

that is a sign that you are about to have a bad day.

i'll spare the other gory details, my project which is known as "project of the damned" around the lab, has data which makes no sense, no matter how i analyze it, the lunch i forgot on the kitchen counter which the cats had happily tore into while i was at work, or the losing of my 45$ bus pass somewhere during the day, having no change so saying fuck it and walking the 70 minutes home.

no no... that wasn't enough. when i get home, the boy (whom i work with as well, so i had noticed the funny looks all day, but we've agreed to keep work and play strictly separate, so i don't ask obvious questions, like, what the fuck is wrong with you??) is waiting in my apartment.

i assumed this was the perfect moment to redeem my day. i mean, when you've had a rough day, what goes better than a little "rumpy pumpy" as my scottish ex used to put it so charmingly... bu alas, this was not to be...

no sooner than i had pounced, i realized why he seemed so hesitant.... we apparently have "over used" his penis, rendering it useless for my purposes. apparently, one can "tear" the skin a little near the head, and that 5mm thing can stop the horniness of a 29 year old woman in her tracks... and that is a hard thing to do.

so no action for me.... he can't even help me out, because that causes blood to rush, and apparently swelling makes this worse.

ok, i agree.. its a toss up if its worse for him or for me...

fucked up before - fucked up after

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