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06.16.04 - 10:02 a.m.

I went to the drive-in theatre last night!!!!

it was my first time. I know, how does one end up being my age without having been to the drive-in? I have no idea. there wasn't one in the province where i grew up, and i never got around to it before. but fuck, that was fun....

i mean, it was me and a couple girlfriends that went.... we loaded up on candy, popcorn and girly drinks. these girls, bless their hearts, did not once start whining about how we were ruining their diets, etc. i guess thats why i hang out with them. the girly drinks? they are kind of a guilty pleasure of sorts. normally i wouldn't drink these coolers, which are basically the equivilent of tang and vodka, because of the extreme amount of flack you get from guys who see them, and naturally have to shift their penis around and expand on what a real drink is, etc etc.... you get tired of hearing it from guys. personally, i have a thing for single malt scotch, red wine and the occasional girly drink ... but the girly drinks only come out in girly company, 'cause they don't tend to suck ass and tell me how its not a 'real' drink.

anyways, the drive-in was super fun... we started drinking our way through harry potter, which made it immensely more amusing, and then swung the car around to watch the secodn feature on the other screen "the day after" or "le jour apres". drinking and watching movies in french make them way more fun. there was something so relaxing about it... a hot night, everybody kinda wandering around, drinking beer and hanging out ... coming back from the popcorn stand i smelled that sweet smell of pot, and proceeded to go and try out my french slang on the group of boys to score a little... as i was walking towards them i heard one of my friends saying "do you guys think its okay to get pot from strangers?" and my other friend replying "they aren't strangers, they are our new friends with pot"..

its kinda the way movies were meant to be seen... with beer and lots of room and not having to listen to the stranger next to you if you don't want to....

i know, its weird to be this impressed by drive-ins... but hell, i've been babysitting a glorified toaster for most of the past couple of weeks every night. last weekend i was in the lab until 12:30am friday night, 11am - 11pm saturday, 8am - 12pm sunday....

at this point you could stick me in front of the TV afternoon talk shows with a slushy and i'd be in heaven.

fucked up before - fucked up after

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